Musician. Consultant. Dad. Writer. Photographer. Sensitive Radical. Not necessarily in that order.
“You are truly a wonderful person. NOW I understand a bit more about not having much of a product upfront and obtaining FEEDBACK to create what clients want...
I have gone to SCORE (they are supposed to help new startups) but you gave me more and better advice in a few emails than I ever received from them.
THANK YOU so much! I really appreciate what an insightful and considerate soul you are!”
“I wish I could bottle up Obie’s passion and give to others. I think that would solve just about 99% of my problems...”
Enjoying some peak experiences at Burning Man 2012
My purpose in life is to help you break through your default settings and live life to your fullest potential.
Whether it involves making you lose yourself on the dance floor, guiding your software project, or riding shotgun on our way to Black Rock City for Burning Man, I guarantee a good time awaits. Just open your mind and fasten your seat belt. It's gonna be an intense ride.
Over the past 12 years I've been lucky to travel the world extensively and take my camera with me wherever I go. Some of my favorite images appear on this site for your enjoyment. As of 2015, I've been developing software professionally, mostly as a consultant, and most recently in the startup world, for over 20 years! In January of 2018 I shifted gears to focus almost all my daily attention on my dreams of becoming a world-famous electronic music producer and DJ.
There are other places on the web where you can find information about me also, so I'll leave it at that.